The Future of Onboarding: Virtual vs. In-Person Strategies

The Future of Onboarding: Virtual vs. In-Person Strategies

How can you ensure that your new hires feel welcomed, engaged, and ready to succeed? The answer is in your onboarding strategy. Onboarding sets the tone for a new employee’s entire experience with your company. As the workforce changes, more organizations are considering virtual and in-person onboarding. In this article, we’ll dive into the world […]

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The Power of Continuous Feedback: Tech Tools for a Coaching Culture

Want to unlock your team’s full potential, boost productivity, and skyrocket employee satisfaction? The key lies in embracing a coaching culture powered by continuous feedback. In today’s business world, organizations understand the importance of feedback. Regular, constructive feedback increases employee engagement and performance. A recent Gallup study found that employees who get daily feedback from […]

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Protecting Your Company’s Data in the Age of Remote Work

Is your remote workforce secure? Businesses allowing remote work must secure data from cyber threats. The old way of securing a company’s borders doesn’t work anymore, and the results of a cyberattack can be devastating. Criminals exploit weaknesses in remote work. They use fake emails and malware for data theft. With employees working from many […]

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Virtual Interview Tips: Nail Your Next Remote Interview

Invited to a virtual interview for your dream job? Virtual interviews are increasingly common for remote, hybrid, and even on-site roles. There are unique considerations to master on top of traditional interview skills. Ready to make a lasting impression in your virtual interview? Adapting your strategies for the online format is crucial for success. In […]

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From Social Commerce to Niche Communities: Leveraging the Future of Social Media

“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” H.G. Wells’ wisdom transcends the biological realm. In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, this principle holds absolute. What worked yesterday could easily be the digital equivalent of the dinosaur today. Staying relevant isn’t a luxury for businesses – it’s a matter of survival. Let’s […]

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Mid-Career Change: Adapt & Thrive Amid AI-Driven Transition

Technological revolutions of the past unfolded gradually – steam engines, then assembly lines, then computers. Now, Artificial Intelligence presents a whole new challenge. With potential career disruptions on the horizon, mid-career professionals especially need to consider how to adapt. According to a McKinsey Global Institute study, as many as 375 million workers (roughly 14% of […]

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The Intranet: Your Secret Weapon for a Thriving Workplace

Feeling overwhelmed by a scattered workforce and information overload? Today’s business landscape is dynamic, with remote workforces and information overload. Keeping everyone connected and informed can be a major challenge. But what if there was a secret weapon, a hidden tool that could streamline communication, build a vibrant community, and empower your team to soar? […]

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