“One of my very best hiring decisions ever” declares Debby Abel, President of Abel Personnel. “Barbara was a candidate with our company seeking employment. We presented her to a client, who did us a great favor and didn’t select her. Our recruiter working with Barbara commented that she might be a good fit for our Marketing Director opening. I met with Barbara, and instantly realized she would be a great asset for Abel. I am so happy that 20 years later we are still working together.”
Barbara grew in the Abel organization and ultimately transitioned to recruiting. She teamed with Barbara Isaacman, who mentored her development. The two soon became known as the “Barbaras.” Together they provided a high level of continuity and responsiveness to their joint clients and candidates; if one of them was tied up or out of the office when a client or candidate called, the other was typically able to take the call with a full background on the opening and candidate status. Barbara now models this same teamwork with a developing recruiter at Abel Personnel.
Over the course of those 20 years, Abel Personnel recruiter Barbara Karr has interviewed and placed thousands of candidates and filled the needs of client companies, large and small. Things have changed in those two decades: the power of computers, the growth of job boards, the evolutions of job duties, and remote work options. What remains constant is the need for true human connection and relationships. Barbara’s frank discussions with both candidates and clients through an open expression of caring continues to be her hallmark.
Two placements that exemplify her approach and typify the standards set by Abel Personnel:
- Joellyn was a great candidate who was placed temp-to-direct with a fortune 500 company in 2009. Seven years later, Barbara was contacted by Joellyn when she sought a career change. Once again, Barbara found a great opportunity that was just right for Joellyn and for the client company. Joellyn and her employer are both happy seven years later and counting.
- Brian was a young man with great potential, and he excelled when placed in a temporary position with a major central PA employer. He was about to be hired directly but a company policy changed and a mistake he made prior to this employment prevented that from happening. Brian moved on to some jobs that offered little hope for advancement. Barbara kept in touch with Brian and ultimately found a client had just the right opening for him. The client offered upward mobility and great benefits! Barbara was able to help her client visualize what a unique contribution Brian could make, to look past a youthful mistake. He has been there since 2015!
Barbara has a talent for matching clients with both current applicants and well-remembered past candidates, such as Brian, who are not actively looking but are open to unusual opportunities. However, Barbara’s achievements rest more on the key questions that she asks both clients and candidates that help them realize what are really the essential qualities they are looking for. She has made a difference in the success of Abel’s employer clients and the lives of Abel’s candidates by assisting them with advice, guidance and real opportunities. Abel Personnel and Barbara’s clients and candidates are indebted to her for this work.

Deborah Abel, President of Abel Personnel, has been in the employment field for over 30 years. The firm has constantly evolved with trends in employment, career fields, talent and technology.